Sunday, February 28, 2016
Sunday Sketches: Springtime
There are various signs here as of late, showing us Springtime is certainly on its way. From blades of green grass poking its head out from the dry, brown grass to the tiny buds bursting forth atop the trees. Although I'm a lover of snow and Christmas, I'm more than ready for Spring to arrive. So, what a better way to usher it in than by painting some bunnies this week!
I've so much catching up to do out here in bloggie-land. I've had every intention of doing so but have failed. Between custom orders and dealing with a lot of shoulder pain, radiating down into my arm again from the car accident, I'm tired by the time 8:00 in the evening rolls around. Sadly, if this amount of pain continues, I'll be forced to return to my pain doctor to determine what should be done for relief. Tonight, I'm curled up in the sofa with the mister and a hot water bottle on my shoulder to alleviate some of the (almost) constant pain today.
Anyway, enough of me. I'm planning to simply rest most of the day tomorrow here on the sofa and look forward to catching up with everyone.
If you're participating in Sunday Sketches, you can grab the NEW Sunday Sketches button HERE.
Submit your artwork by signing up below with a link to your website/blog. PLEASE make sure to visit each other! One of the biggest reasons for this co-op encouraging and lifting others up in their creative endeavors as well. Thank you!
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Blissful days filled with joy
The days are rolling by and I've barely been able to keep up lately, let alone, visiting my wonderful bloggie peeps. As soon as I get through this darling custom Paris illustration above, I plan to cozy up on the sofa to visit everyone. Despite being busy, the past few days have been filled with lots of sunshine, hot water bottles and cups of tea - utterly blissful.
Over the past week or so, it's been a struggle finding my creative mojo in order to dive in to my work (piling up) on the studio table. Somehow, I found it this week and have been on a roll so must keep pushing through a few things...and then I can "play" for awhile...
Over the past week or so, it's been a struggle finding my creative mojo in order to dive in to my work (piling up) on the studio table. Somehow, I found it this week and have been on a roll so must keep pushing through a few things...and then I can "play" for awhile...
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Sunday Sketches: Exploring Art

Remember this lovely floral heart wreath I painted a few weeks ago? It was finally completed and now off to it's new owner this weekend. It's been wonderful exploring in areas of my artwork that I normally don't do and I'm feeling like a few more of this style will be making special appearances here and there.
We spent most of the day at my friend's wedding, doing her photography and capturing her special day. Tonight, we are cosied up on the sofa with a bowl of homemade vegetable soup and hot water bottles. Wishing everyone a lovely, peaceful weekend.
If you're participating in Sunday Sketches, you can grab the NEW Sunday Sketches button HERE.
Submit your artwork by signing up below with a link to your website/blog. PLEASE make sure to visit each other! One of the biggest reasons for this co-op encouraging and lifting others up in their creative endeavors as well. Thank you!
Thursday, February 18, 2016
There's A Song In My Heart
Despite the significant shoulder and neck pain I've been feeling for almost a week now (from the car accident awhile ago), it's been a lovely few days. I've enjoyed some wonderful quality time with Michael, the kids and even a little alone time to record some of my favorite songs.
Our Valentine weekend was filled with little surprises and goodies here and there, including the beautiful fresh tulips hubby had delivered. I've been so taken back by their beautiful colors, watching them bloom over these past several day as well as, enjoying photographing them.
One of the other things I've been having a wonderful time doing is singing/recording some of my favorite songs on a music app the hubby discovered over the weekend as well. You can find the full list of songs and follow along here. For now, enjoy this title, "Time After Time":
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Sunday Sketches: It's All About Love
It's been a lovely Valentine weekend thus far and looking forward to sharing some photos later this weekend. Before all of the special dates began, I made a quick illustration of an idea I had for hearts filling a page, each with their own pattern. I'm quite pleased as to how it turned out. So pretty and a perfect gesture to wish everyone here in bloggie-land a wonderful Valentine's. I'm thankful for each of you! :)
If you're participating in Sunday Sketches, you can grab the NEW Sunday Sketches button HERE.
Submit your artwork by signing up below with a link to your website/blog. PLEASE make sure to visit each other! One of the biggest reasons for this co-op encouraging and lifting others up in their creative endeavors as well. Thank you!
Tuesday, February 09, 2016
All things blooming...
Just a quick post to wish all of my lovely bloggie friends a wonderful week. I'll be away for a few days preparing for a special photo shoot of me in my studio. The local college I graduated from this past May is featuring me in several articles and marketing materials as one of their most successful scholars. Pretty exciting, I must say, to see so many things in my creative (career) world blooming in ways I could have never imagined. I'll share more about this adventure over the next week or so.
Until then, may your week be blessed with beautiful, unexpected things, filling your heart with joy!
Sunday, February 07, 2016
Sunday Sketches: A life of Toast & Jam
Toast and jam. The mister couldn't imagine a life without them! Actually, his preference recently has been toast and marmalade. In fact, he found a new marmalade at a local market that has won him over! As such, he made the perfect "model" for creating a recent custom order. The only thing I didn't include was the trail of crumbs down his sweater and on the sofa!
Nevertheless, I do hope the family receiving this illustration will be truly blessed by it and the child-like heart found within. Happy Sunday Sketches! I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone this weekend.
If you're participating in Sunday Sketches, you can grab the NEW button HERE.
Submit your artwork by signing up below with a link to your website/blog. PLEASE make sure to visit each other! One of the biggest reasons for this co-op encouraging and lifting others up in their creative endeavors as well. Thank you!
Thursday, February 04, 2016
Cosied up on this beautiful winter day
A quick little note this morning as I prepare to dive in on some brand new book project work for 2016. It's been a little bit of a slow start this year but everything is lined up and I'm ready to go! Wishing everyone a fabulous week and hang tight for some big announcements!
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Snow. Quiet. Cosy. Peaceful.
It's a snow day here. Michael and I were quite surprised to pull open the blinds and see more than a foot of snow on the ground. I personally love snow days. It will be a quiet, relaxing day filled with every bit of cosiness one can squeeze in to the morning and afternoon! And for anyone who knows the mister, that's exactly what he'll be doing. Uh huh.
Today will be infused with hot water bottles, tea, thick socks, a snuzzly puppy and even a delicious cup of hot chocolate piled high with marshmallows. Who could resist? Not I and certainly not Mr. Toast!
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Alexandra MacVean. All rights reserved.