Saturday, June 29, 2019

NEW journey & NEW life!

Well, it's been wayyyyyyyy too long since I've been out here. A long 7 months, in fact! I think the last time I was out here posting my illustration work, we had just moved to Kentucky a few short months prior. And now, we're in California! Yes, you head that right. C.A.L.I.F.O.R.N.I.A.

Our move to Kentucky was filled with a lot of joyful things, such as helping out my mom and step-dad, some pretty cool freelance work and me getting the opportunity to work for an amazing clothing boutique....but it was also filled with some pretty deep heartache. Several other things we had moved there for never came to fruition. Including, never having our own home. As I sit here and write this, my heart aches deeply as we've not had a place to call our own in 11 months! Talk about feeling uprooted for far too long. It changed us. Overall, for the good of things. Some smaller things...those will take time for the heart to heal.

We are now relocated to California, just a wee bit northeast of Sacramento and close to M's family now. It's certainly a big change emotionally and culturally, moving from Kentucky to California. Many things are different at the moment for us. We went from a fairly social coffee life to having none at the moment. It's a bit scary picking up and moving again in less than a year. For me, it's the idea of having to make friends - all over again! We still don't have our own place so nowhere to truly set up my studio to work on the projects currently on my plate. With that comes emotional and physical exhaustion. I've been struggling big time in getting back on my feet emotionally but am hopeful after a few more weeks, we'll have adjusted to the 3-hour time change, weather and more.

To answer your other burning questions.... "What have you been doing these past few months?!"  I'm still doing children's book illustrations but have cut back on that area a little so as to allow time to dive into other areas of the design and illustration world. Our stay in Kentucky has allowed me the opportunity to work on designing clothing, editorial illustrations, posters and more. Plus, Michael and I launched our own business, Londonberrie! It's been a work-in-progress but is starting to grow and we're excited!

To close things for now, here is a peek at some of the new work I've been doing. And of course, you can always find me out on social media - specifically Instagram.

Got any other questions about our move, work, etc? Leave me a comment and I'll reply as quickly as I can. :)

~ Alex


  1. Wow Alex, such a huge surprise that you and Michael have moved to California! Bob was just saying earlier today that it was odd that we hadn't seen anything posted by either of you for such a long time. We had hoped to visit you in Kentucky now that we have our two springtime trips across the pond done with (England and Ireland). Anyway, hope you will both be happy in California, and don't forget we have friends out there so perhaps we'll catch up with you some day on the west coast!

    Much love to you both - hope you settle in, find new friends, and that your exciting design work and 'Londonberrie' will keep you busy and happy.

    Mary & Bob XX

    1. Hi Mary! We thought of you just prior to moving. We definitely need to catch up! :)


  2. hopefully you guys get your own place soon, will help you to feel settled

    1. Thank you. Me, too. Although grateful to have a roof over our head, we really, really need our own place. :)

  3. It sounds like so many exciting things have been going on, Alex! So happy for you and Michael! Wishing you both the very, very best. xx

    1. Thank you, Serena. Some things have been exciting and others, very hard and somewhat heartbreaking. But, we're pushing through and starting a new journey here in Cali. :)


  4. Wow, you've been busy! I love your painted eggs. I used to make one for each of girls when they were young, and they now each have a collection to set out during Easter. Blessings!

    1. Thank you regarding my eggs. I've painted them before but this time around, something new birthed into life. I love these versions.

  5. wow! life does 'deal some strange events, eh?' ~ Your artwork is still so wonderful and glad you and hubby are working at an emerging company that sounds delightful ~ So good to 'see you again!' ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. It does, Carol. Crazy and thank you regarding your lovely comment regarding my work. xo

  6. I have come to check on you periodically, I was wondering how you both were, I'm happy for you for the good things and I'm sorry you've had some sadness but such is life,,,take care my friend,, best wishes from Canada.

    1. Awww Laurie, thank you and so glad you didn't give up on me/us! Hope you're doing well also. So glad to be back. xo

  7. I'm always glad to see your return to blogging since I've stopped posting at Instagram. I like blogs more.

    Lovely artwork from you as usual but I do notice a lot of flowers in them which I do like.

    I can't imagine moving anywhere since I've stayed in one place very long but I hope you will find a home and enjoy being in California, although I have never been to California so I have no idea what's like there but at least npw, we are almost in same time zone.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Hi Lissa. It feels somewhat weird being back in the blog world being gone so long. Having to get used to it again. :) And thank you regarding my artwork. Yes, more flowers! Trying to branch out more in several areas with my illustration designs.

      We've been here about 2 weeks now so hoping things will slow down a bit and new work will come Michael's way. Although hard, we're looking forward to our new journey. x

  8. Hey Alexandra!!! I was wondering what happened to the two of you!!! So glad to see some posts. WOW California...what a big change for you! I hope you find your nest soon. My Alex and I were supposed to buy a place in April/May but nothing panned out and we had to renew our lease another year, sigh. It just wasn't' meant to be...YET!!!

    1. Hi Rain!! Yes, a HUGE change and another move in 10 months. Ugh I'm hoping we find our own home soon, too. We REALLY need it. It feels like we're losing who we are by living with others for so long. Grateful to have a roof over our heads but nevertheless, not the same when it's not your own home. Best wishes to you and Alex in finding your new home soon! x

  9. I love all your art work and for me you are an inspiration. It is difficult moving from one place to another and it takes time making new connections. We moved after the earthquakes in Christchurch to Nelson, we are in New Zealand and it took us a year to settle again. But with time comes healing. I wish you many blessings in the form of the new people you will meet and the love and friendship coming your way. xxx

    1. Awww thank you so much. I'm humbled by your sweet comment. Thank you for sharing a wee bit of your story of your move/change in life. It gives me hope that we will have our own life one day again. Hopefully, sooner than later.


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