
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Live Mindfully

Life is utterly precious. We're not promised tomorrow or the next day...nor the next. This week, my heart has been inundated with various friends, family members, and people in our lives who are faced with difficult, challenging times. Our friend, L, was diagnosed with cancer just a few weeks before Christmas and has been going through some intense chemo. Another friend's niece is about to go through major brain surgery to remove a tumor, leaving the family to create a schedule to help care for her little children. Add to that, the recent terrorist attack in Brussels. The list goes on and on. My heart is completely heavy this morning and brings to mind two simple yet powerful words we all should take hold of and never let go:

Live Mindfully

In a world where sickness and chaos are rampant, what do we choose to fill our hearts and minds with? Whatever attitude we embrace impacts us emotionally and physically, both individually, as well as those around us. This world needs more hearts filled with compassion and forgiveness, rather than anger, selfishness and blame. Life is too short to hold grudges, throw tantrums along the way or make those we care about feel anything but loved. With one snap of the finger, our lives can all change instantly. (Just ask those affected in Brussels today.) How or what would we do then? Nothing, as it would be too late...

This week, I'd like to challenge each of us to fill our hearts with a compassion and love so that our own decisions in life can have the best and most positive impact on those around us. Make no room for selfishness or even rudeness. Bad things are like a magnet — if you allow room in your heart for just one, everything else is then tainted.  Live your life to the fullest. Live your life mindfully!

(Another peek at a song I'm singing and have dedicated to those suffering in Brussels.)


  1. Beautifully sung, beautiful song. What a world we live in, no simple answers

    1. How very powerful and true Alexandra. Just this morning in my dearest and my devotions it talked about showing compassion to a hurting world, and especially those who are closest to us.

      Our hearts too are heavy with the horrible loss of life and so many injured. They are so far away, but our prayers have no boundries.

      Thank for your faithful and meaningful life and how you share it with us. Your potted plant water colors are magnificent.

      I truly am trying to find time to continue my art...pray for me in that area.

      Love and hugs.

    2. Your song dedicated to the suffering in Brussels is very beautiful. Your voice is as lovely as your painting. Hugs

    3. Wanda, first off...thank you in regards to my song and singing. My first God given talent I'm trying to use a little more. :)

      We're always lifting you up. May you find the direction and answers you need at the right and perfect time God sees fit. Love you very much. xx

  2. Thanks for this very thoughtful blogpost.

  3. Well said,we must all live in the moment because sadly you just never know what's around the corner. Thank you for sharing
    Donna xxx

    1. Thank you, Donna. And yes, it's so true. Life just isn't guaranteed. xx

  4. Oh Alexandra,
    What a difficult time your friend's and family are going through ....... I am sure that they are grateful to have your support. As for Brussels well, I have no words.I'm just thinking of those who died and their families and friend's.
    Have just listened to your rendition of With or Without You ....... AMAZING !!!!! I could see how emotional you were when you'd finished. You have SO much talent Alexandra. XXXX

    1. So lovely to see you pop in, Jackie. And thank you on all fronts. I really appreciate it. :)

  5. It is definitely hard for me not to have negative thoughts about some people ....I am British after all aka a whinging pom....but as you say....most of the time it's unproductive and we must learn to not sweat the small stuff and let it go....

    1. Awwww.....I think we all struggle with negative thoughts from time to time. The best things we all can do is quickly let them go and not let them define our lives. Sending you hugs! :)

  6. Oh Alexandra, what a thoughtful and sweet post. I agree with you that those we love should know how much we love them. I appreciate you and your positiveness so very much!

    1. Thank you, Lisa and appreciate hearing your thoughts. Hope you're having a lovely weekend. :)

  7. Your voice is so beautiful. I'm so glad I took the time I listen to this recording. I'm off to listen to some of your other songs.

    1. Awww...thank you very much, Debbie! and thanks for stopping by my cosy little blog home. :)

  8. last week,even tho I was in the hospital and in pain, I (and another patient in pain as well), spent most of that time making sure one of the other patients who could not help herself, was at least getting fed and a drink and not wandering off so couldnt hurt herself. the nurses well...wont talk about that, but couldn't let her sit there and suffer. at least she was getting some attention. would hate to be in the same situation or have a loved one treated like she was being treated, its not right and my morals couldn't let it stand. sorry little long winded lol

    1. Not long-winded at all, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing and encouraging others to think and respond as if they were in the same situation. Terribly sorry to hear you were not well and in the hospital. Sending you hugs! xx
